Sale Days

Live cattle auctions most Tuesdays in Wray, Colorado

10:30 am, MST – Slaughter Cows/Bulls
1 PM, MST – Calf/Feeder sale

Sale Calendar

January 21 – Stock Show Special

START TIME 12:00 for afternoon sale
Freeman Morris, Ross Morris and Josh Morris
-225 black/bwf steers, 500-650#, no implants, 65 days weaned, bunk broke, hot wire broke
Birth – Alpha 7, Autogenous Red
Branding – Pyramid 5, Vision 7, Pinkeye
Weaning – B/S Gold 5, Autogenous Green, Panacur, Ivermec pour on
Post Weaning – Vision 7 Somnus,
Pyramid 5, Autogenous Pinkeye
Rusty Wire
-150 black steers, 500-600#, long time weaned
Branding – 7 Way, Pinkeye, BoviShield Gold
Weaning – 7 Way, Pinkeye, Vista Once, poured
Lance Witte
-75 black steers and heifers, 550-650#, long time weaned, 3 rounds of vaccinations, no implants
Brad and Caleb Wingfield
-125 black steers and heifers, 575-700#, long time weaned, 3 rounds of vaccinations, no implants
James Crossland
-20 mix steers and heifers, 400-500#, weaned 35 days, 2 rounds of vaccinations, no implants
Dave Crossland
-15 mix steers, 500-600#, handled the same as above
Z and H Farms
– 6 black heifers, 300-500#, Vision 7, Pyramid 5 w/ Presponse, long time weaned, hot wire and bunk broke
Gramm Homestead Ranch
– 78 red steers 600-750#, long time weaned, 3 rounds of vaccinations, no implants
– 55 red heifers 600-750#, handled same as steers
Fonte Land & Cattle
-89 blk/bwf steers, 750-825#
Long time weaned
Birth: Alpha 7, Autogenous Red
Branding: Nasalgen 3PMH, Autogenous Yellow (Pinkeye), Vision 7 Somnus, Ralgro
Weaning: Pyramid 5, Autogenous Green, Dectomax injectible, Ralgro
Post Weaning: Express 5, Vision 7
TJ & Dory Trujillo
-25 Black Sim Angus Steers and Heifers, 600 to 800#, 2 rounds of Vision 7, Pyramid 5, Autogenous Pink. Weaned since October
Toby Kechter
-70 Black Steers and Heifers, 575 to 675#, 3 rounds of shots, Weaned 100+ days, No implants to Heifers
Orin and Brent Jacobson
-10 steers and heifers, 650-700#, weaned 50 days
Spring shots
Weaning – 2 rounds of Bovi Gold, 7way w/Somnus, pour on,
Jaden & Shauna Valko
25 Black Angus Cross Steers. 700-750# Weaned 80 Days. No implants.
Branding: Vision 7 Somnus w/ spur, Multimin 90.
Pyramid 5 +Presponse, Vison 7 Somnus w/ Spur,Multimin 90, Ivomec Pour On.
Post Weaning : Pyramid 5+ Presponse, Multimin 90, Ivomec Pour On.
Top 10% Angus Carcass Quality Traits. Top 1% Angus Yearling Growth Genetics.
Verlan and Darla McDonald
-212 Black Steers 650-850#
-100 Black Heifers 600-750#
Sired by registered Angus bull w/ Sitz angus influence from KG Ranch in Three Forks Montana
Spring – Vista Once, Pink Eye, Vision 7 w/ Somnus, Dectomax injectable, Nasalgen
All implanted
Fall – Vista Once, Vision 7 w/ Somnus, Dectomax pour on, implants in steers only
Bunk broke
Sterling and Heather McDonald
– 112 Blk Steers and Heifers 500-650#
Sired by registered Angus bull w/ Sitz angus influence from KG Ranch in Three Forks Montana
Spring – Vista Once, Pink Eye, Vision 7 w/ Somnus, Dectomax injectable, Nasalgen
All implanted
Fall – Vista Once, Vision 7 w/ Somnus, Dectomax pour on, implants in steers only
Bunk broke
Sam Bryant
– 100 Mix Steers and Heifers 600 to 700#, Long time weaned 2 rounds of Shots
Ridder Farms
-75 black/bwf steers, 500-600#
Long time weaned, B/S Gold 5, Vision 7, no implants
Tad Johnson
-20 steers and heifers, 475 to 550#, 2 rounds of multimin and 8 way cattle master gold and one shot, weaned 60 days bunk broke
Alex Scheierman
-7 strs & hfrs 500-600#, weaned in September
Spring shots – Cattlemaster & 7way
Weaning – 2 rounds of B/S Gold 5 and Somubac, NO IMPLANTS
Blecha Brothers
-50 black/bwf steers and heifers, 550-600#, no implants
– 30 Head consignment, more info to come
Robert Oschner
– 50 Black Steers, 525-625#, No Implants, 3 rounds of shots
Adam and Tanya Peter
-28 mix steers and heifers
Weaned since October
Bunk broke /grower ration.
2 rounds of shots
Home raised
Year around RIO MAX mineral program
No implants
7M Cross
-150 black and red steers, 575-650#, coming off rye (been on rye for 2 months), fully vaccinated and poured, no implants, long time weaned, hot wire broke
Greg Klein
-26 mostly black steers and heifers, 500-750#, no implants, Pre-conditioned – Vision 7, B/S Gold 5, Endovac, back poured
-long time weaned, bunk broke, electric fence broke
Rockwell Farm and Ranch
– 70 Charolais and Simangus cross calves, weaned November 2nd, bunk broke
-20 summer born steers/heifers, 400to 500# Scour guard and inforce 3 nasal vaccine, and corad one week of birth
Branding – Pyramid 5 + presponse, Vision 7, tetanus vaccine, multimin, and banded
Preconditioning – Fall calves received vision 7 with somnus, pyramid 5 + presponse, multimin, corad, and back poured with ivermectin, Ralgro (steers only)
-50 spring born steers/heifers 600to 700# Scour guard and inforce 3 nasal vaccine, and corad one week of birth
Branding – Pyramid 5 + presponse, Vision 7, and tetanus vaccine, multimin, and banded Preconditioning – Fall calves received vision 7 with somnus, pyramid 5 + presponse, multimin, corad, and back poured with ivermectin, Ralgro (steers only)
Ray Ptomey
100 Black Steers and Heifers, 450 to 650#, December 20th Vision 7 And Pryamid 5, No Implants And Coming off the Cow
Gutson Ranch
-32 hfrs, 17 strs, 450-550#, weaned 90 days
Spring Inforce3, Vision7, Synovex C
Fall shots 1st rnd
Pyramid5, Autogenous Green
Dectomax injectable, RevalorG,Cleanup Pour on
2nd round Express 5HS, Vision 7
Tatt Soehner
-6 heifers, 750-800#
Jerry Owens
-6 head of blk-blk wf strs and hfrs

January 28 – Weigh Cow Sale
February 4 – Calf Sale

Freeman Morris, Ross Morris and Josh Morris
-185 black/bwf heifers, 500-650#, no implants, 65 days weaned, bunk broke, hot wire broke
Birth – Alpha 7, Autogenous Red
Branding – Pyramid 5, Vision 7, Pinkeye
Weaning – B/S Gold 5, Autogenous Green, Panacur, Ivermec pour on
Post Weaning – Vision 7 Somnus,
Pyramid 5, Autogenous Pinkeye

March 25th – Open Consignment Breeding Bull Sell @ 1:00

-30 Charolais Bulls

Tuesdays online at

If you are not able to attend a sale, you can view and bid on cattle at Tri-State Livestock Exchange online. It’s real-time and viewable from a computer anywhere in the country.

If you’d like to participtate in online bidding, pre-registration is required at least 24 hours prior to sale.

Instructions to set up bid account for

  • Go to the website.
  • Scroll down to Tri-State Livestock Exchange and click “Submit” to register or login.
  • If you are registering, enter your info, press the proceed button and wait to be approved. (It can take awhile to be approved because a TSLE Manager has to approve you.)
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